


这篇文章,又是从胥述之「《圣经》的起源与上帝的谬误」( )抄来的。所以,我仍然怀疑五味就是胥述之。无论如何,这里有几个重点,逐个回答:——


(二)在这篇里,五味特质疑两件事——就是:童贞受孕和复活。耶稣复活的问题,和五味因为读不通圣经,所以觉得四福音互相矛盾,都在回答五味的「耶稣真的复活了吗﹕beechan为代表的愚昧基督教徒 耶稣真的复活了吗?」( )解释了。


(1)五味说:「对此,撒都该人在古卷《Sanhedrin》中解释道:“R.Shimeon ben Azzai论及耶稣时说:‘我在耶路撒冷城中找到一份关于耶稣家谱的记载,此人乃淫妇所生的私生子。’”」然后他继续说:「我们从马太的“极力警告别人勿受其惑”中可以看出,当时耶酥即私生子的说法具有多么广泛的市场。」










Isn't the virgin birth of Jesus Christ mythological and scientifically impossible?耶稣童贞受孕,是神话和不科学? (

Critic's Claim #1 The idea of a virgin birth is SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.科学上不可能

Really? Where have you been for the past 21 years? Ever since in vitro fertilization and embryonic transfer came on the scene in 1978 (not to mention artificial insemination), it is quite possible for a woman who has never experienced sexual intercourse to give birth. Of course, the Bible makes it clear that it was Almighty God, not some high-paid gynecologist, who worked the details of Jesus' Divine-Human conception, i.e. “And the angel answered and said unto [Mary], The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” —Luke 1:35, KJV. Sound miraculous? 听似神迹?Of course. 当然是。 But these days, who would deny that miracles occur? 今天谁能否认神迹是可能的?And such a 'small' one for the God who created the entire universe!

Critic's Claim #2 The idea of a virgin birth is MYTHOLOGICALLY DERIVED.神话

Author Patrick Campbell (The Mythical Jesus) and Episcopal Bishop J.S. Spong are two of a number of individuals who have suggested that "…the virgin birth account [is a]…clearly recognized mythological element in our faith tradition whose purpose was not to describe a literal event but to capture the transcendent dimensions of God in the earthbound words and concepts of first-century human beings." Both men, however, overlook a simple fact有一件简单的事实?: No respectable Jew would have ever condescended to buy into a Greek/Babylonian mythological base for an account dealing with the birth of his/her Messiah. 犹太人不会俯就去相信一个希腊/巴比伦的神话。

Critic's Claim #3 The idea of a virgin birth is HISTORICALLY UNSUPPORTED历史上没有证据

The Apostles' Creed, written in the 4th century; the Nicene Creed, adopted at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.; the Athanasian Creed, written about 450 A.D.; the Chalcedon Definition, adopted at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D.; and the Small Catechism of Martin Luther of 1529 A.D. are only a few of the historic creeds that recognize the veracity of the Virgin Birth of Jesus. 使徒信经、尼西亚信经等等……都有谈到。Only in more modern times have Bible critics begun to try to cast doubt on a doctrinal truth that the Church has long since historically endorsed.只有今天的圣经批判学家才怀疑。

Critic's Claim #4 The idea of a virgin birth is BIBLICALLY UNCONVINCING不使人信服

Some critics cite the fact that the Apostle Paul is silent on the subject of the Virgin Birth, and the fact that Mary's virginity is never mentioned in the Gospel According to John, as evidence that Jesus was never born of a virgin.有人表示,使徒保罗没有提到。 But the argument from silence, always a rather weak tactic in但是,从寂静的说法(argument from silence),始终是一个比较薄弱的策略 making a case, is particularly weak here due to the fact that both Paul and John were alive and quite familiar with the Gospel accounts written byMatthew and Dr. Luke (a physician!)—and yet never either questioned or refuted it. 而且保罗非常熟悉四福音。

Critic's Claim #5 The idea of a virgin birth is STATISTICALLY UNWARRANTED统计上无根据

If you really want to put truth up for a vote (and who does?), 真理不是靠投票的。let's get all of the statistics out in the open. While it is true that one very famous poll taken in 1965 (and still being frequently cited today) of 7,441 Protestant clergy showed that many mainline denominational ministers were not convinced of the truthfulness of the Virgin Birth, a more recent Harris poll of a randomly selected group of 1,011 adults found that 91% of U.S. Christians do believe in the Virgin Birth. All of which goes to show that when it comes to determining spiritual truth, our authority ought to be the Bible (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:25), not men—including clergy!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 请继续参考;

Demonstration That the Virgin Birth is Not a Fable 证明童贞受孕不是传说 (


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