
c/177182890/)他说:「“如果人的大脑是上帝设计的,他的设计真是超烂。由于故障和误差的困扰,它每天都得停机,以进行8小时的维护。 大脑极易发生严重故障,因此这个产品似乎有召回的必要。但是至少在一个方面,上帝蒙了我们的眼睛:我们的大脑几乎被完美地设计成一个信神的大脑。” 《新科学家》告诉你为什么“天上隐形老爷爷一直在监视你。”」


https://www.douban.com/group/topic/173564548/) 的解释——



「Science says we have a god-shaped hole. But why? 科学说我们有一个神形的洞。 但为什么?」(http://www.because.uk.com/?p=3742)


既然哈蟆帖的文章说,我们的大脑烂到一个地步,以为沙沙作响的声音,就是有人在追自己。所以,可能是无中间生有。但是,我引用这篇文章说,很多古哲都同意,我们能观察的凡事,都有一个原因。万一这沙沙作响的声音是真正的敌人……然后,我们就要想一下帕斯卡的赌注(Pascal Wager)。

Graham Lawton, the writer of the article, goes on to explain that “cognitive by-product theory argues that religious belief is a side effect of cognitive skills that evolved for other reasons. It pays, for example, to assume that all events are caused by agents. The rustle in the dark could be the wind, but it could also be a predator.”[3] Therefore, the argument goes, it’s safer to expect something to be there, than not, as it might save your life!

文章的作者格雷厄姆·劳顿(Graham Lawton)继续解释说,“认知副产品理论认为,宗教信仰是认知技能的副作用,而认知技能是由其他原因引起的。 例如,假设所有事件都是由代理引起的,这是值得的。 在黑暗中沙沙作响可能是风,但也可能是掠食者。” [3]因此,争论的焦点是,比这更安全的期望有某种东西存在,因为它可以挽救您的生命!


If I may, for one moment, give the New Scientist a slight scientific reminder that the theory that things are caused by something else comes from cosmology itself, called Kalam’s cosmological argument.


It has a simple, empirical and observable premise: if there is an effect, there must have been a cause. 它有一个简单,经验和可观察的前提:如果有效果,肯定是有原因的。This is blindingly obvious, observable, logical and congruent with everything we experience in the physical universe (and, no, ‘virtual particles’ don’t pop out of nothing – they need the prerequisites of space and energy). 这与我们在物质宇宙中所经历的一切令人目眩,显而易见,可观察,合乎逻辑并且是一致的(而且,不,“虚拟粒子”不会浮出水面-它们需要空间和能量的先决条件)。Point being: believing there is a cause for everything is the most logical and plausible (and scientific) conclusion to come to. 要点是:相信一切都有因,是得出的最合逻辑,最合理(和科学)的结论。

So, there must be another reason for this hole being there. And what does this hole actually look like anyway? 因此,肯定有另一个原因导致该漏洞存在。 究竟该孔实际上是什么样的?

Let us turn to the scientist who first came up with this concept of the ‘god-shaped hole’ as he may shed some light (or shape) on where it came from. 让我们转向首先提出“神形洞”这一概念的科学家,因为他可能对它的来源有所了解。 Pascal is his name, a physicist, mathematician and philosopher. And notice what he said about this hole: “This he/she [a human] tries in vain to fill with everything around them…though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words, by God himself.” 帕斯卡(Pascal)是他的名字,是物理学家,数学家和哲学家。 并注意他对这个洞的看法:“他(她)[一个人]试图填补周围的一切徒劳……尽管无济于事,因为这个无限的深渊只能充满一个无限且不变的物体。 换句话说,是上帝自己创造的。” [4][4]

What a statement; a statement that led to one of the most famous of wagers. I’m not a betting man, but what would you bet faced with Pascal’s Wager? 什么声明? 导致最著名的赌注之一的声明。 我不是一个博彩人,但是您会以Pascal的Wager面对什么?His wager states, “a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity…) and avoid infinite losses…”他的赌注说:“一个理性的人应该生活得好像上帝存在并寻求信仰上帝。 如果上帝实际上不存在,那么这样的人将只有有限的损失(一些享乐,奢侈等),而他们却会获得无限的收益(以永恒为代表……)并避免无限的损失。[5]

Well, here’s why your wager will pay off. Because that God came to earth in the person of Jesus to tell us with certainty of the existence of God. To tell us that our hole can be filled. And that hole having the shape of a man on the cross as he died for our sins. This is our missing part, the shape of the hole and void that needs to be filled. 好吧,这就是您的下注会得到回报的原因。 因为那个上帝降临在耶稣的面前,以肯定的方式告诉我们上帝的存在。 告诉我们,我们的漏洞可以填补。 这个洞的形状像一个人在十字架上,因为他为我们的罪而死。 这是我们缺少的部分,需要填充的孔和空隙的形状。

As Lawton finished his article he challenged, “it is possible to override our deep-seated religious tendencies with rational deliberation – it just takes some mental effort. 劳顿完成他的文章时向他提出了挑战:“可以通过合理的考虑来取代我们根深蒂固的宗教倾向,这需要一些精神上的努力。””[6] So, I challenge you (and him) to put out a bit of mental effort to prove who Jesus really was – another rustle in the bush or the God behind the burning bush!? 因此,我向您(和他)挑战,花点脑力证明耶稣是谁–灌木丛中的另一种沙沙声或燃烧的灌木丛中的上帝沙沙声!






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